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Tantra for beginners: learn tantra meditation

Tantra for beginners is exciting! It’s already a long time ago that we did our first tantra meditation, but I still remember it. Wow, from the critical mind to the depths of my heart. For the first time, I FELT my body, my energy, my heart, my love. I FELT intimate with everyone around me. It was mind-blowing. I hope it will be the same for you.

Tantra for beginners

So where to start? Well, first you need to know if you are really looking for tantra.

Step 1: why tantra?

When starting with tantra it is important that you know where you’re going. So there are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself.

  • Are you sure you want tantra? Maybe mindfulness, yoga or biodanza (or Reiki, ayahuasca, shamanism) is better suited for you.
  • If tantra, what kind of tantra are you interested in? Red, White or Pink tantra?
  • Are you looking for an (exciting) workshop or do you want to (safe) practices at home?
  • Are you single and/or looking for couples meditation?
  • Do you see Tantra as fun or as spiritual/personal development?

Tantra for beginners: tantra themesStep 2: know the essence of Tantra

Tantra is growing in love and consciousness. So when you start with tantra you must be willing to face your conditioning and personal limitations for growth. In tantra themes, you can read about the six themes that are important in Tantra. The big difference with mindfulness is that tantra is very bodily oriented. Sensing/feeling/touching are key to Tantra. Tantra is also more Heartfulness then Mindfulness.

The big difference with yoga is the approach to meditation. Yoga is discipline, purifying body and mind. Feeling less, learning to live an almost ascetic life. Tantra is living from the heart. In the end Tantra is surrender, accepting life as it is and accepting all there is. Tantra is all for (conscious) indulgence. So power up…

Maybe you know Biodanza. It’s a beautiful form of dancing. It works with energy and movement. The difference with tantra is that tantra works also with (kundalini) energy and movement, but INSIDE you. So, yes in tantra we dance, but the real dance is inside. The focus is on the energy moving inside your body and between partners (energy circles).

Step 3: red, white or pink tantra?

There are many different types of tantra. White tantra looks like mindfulness, but then with the bodily/heart aspects as well. Red Tantra goes beyond that and involves sexual activity and lovemaking (also in the workshops). Red Tantra really breaks through the taboo on sex. So are you looking for sexually oriented tantra? Then search for red tantra, look for tantra sex (workshops). Read more via the link below.

White, red, pink, black tantra: the colors of tantra

Step 4: learn the Tantra basics

Tantra for beginners: tantra basicsFor Tantra everything is sacred. So whether you are at home or in a workshop, treat the place as if it’s a temple. Make it a temple. Treat yourself also as sacred. Shower, cleanse yourself, physically, emotionally. Make yourself beautiful, wear a longhi. See yourself, really see your partner, see all the beautiful people around you. Empower them.

Hugging is great. It fulfills the human need for body/skin contact and produces oxytocin, the happiness hormone. In tantra, we have another beautiful pose: to sit (naked) in Shiva/Shakti position. Every chakra is aligned, so energy can flow freely between meditation partners.

Learn about the tantra basics

Starters course a Taste of Tantra

Tantra for beginners

Step 5 start meditating

Let me first explain what we mean with meditation. It’s not that you have to sit still on a cushion for an hour. No meditation is everything that you do with awareness. So first thing maybe is… Relax, slow down for a minute, Then:

  1. Take a breather, have some time to breathe consciously. If you have a partner breath in sync.
  2. Awaken your senses. Listen to what can be heard, taste what you drink/eat with full awareness.
  3. Do the simple heart meditation.  It’s free! Just breath and focus on (the love in) your heart.
  4. Boost your energy! Dance, jump around, move your body. Especially your pelvis. Shake it!
  5. Do some eye-gazing. Look into the candle-light (or the eyes of your partner). Keep your eyes still.

Step 6 enjoy intimacy

Whether at home or in a workshop focussing on your heart will result in an intimate connection. You will feel more than oke with yourself. You will love the intimacy with your (rotating) meditation partner. Intimacy always proceeds to sexuality (at least that’s how we feel). Sex without love is nothing more then a workout, sex with love and awareness becomes lovemaking, sacred sex. So first and for all, enjoy intimacy. Overcome the tension and discomfort that you’re maybe having. Thoughts will come up, let them pass. Maybe emotions will arise, let them be. Tantra accepts everything, it’s oke. Enjoy intimacy, that’s your natural state of being.

tantric intimacy courses

Save at home

For many people, going to a tantra workshop is one step too far. Well, no sweat, then you start at home. Plenty of possibilities. You find many (free) meditation practices here on this website. You could buy some tantra books, read and practice them. If you are interested you can also do an introductory course or tantric theme course. In those courses, there are many guided meditations and practices you are invited to do. See below for what’s available. There are e-Courses for singles and for couples.

e-Course Intimacy starts with you!

Step 7 grow in couples meditation

If you are single, without a partner, don’t worry. Growing into tantric meditation is endless. Boeddha became enlightened by breathing! And it’s good to know that tantric single practice will make you irresistible, you will find a tantric meditation partner soon. Certainly, if you’re doing workshops, but also in “normal” life. This tantric meditation partner may not be your lover/lifetime spouse but for sure a tantric like you, who is fond of meditating.

e-Couse Deepening you Relationship (s)Playing with energy

When energy in the body is freed, you become more energetic AND you stay relaxed. This is a state of being that is very pleasurable. When your sexual energy (Kundalini) plays along, it’s even more than pleasure, you will get a deep sense of happiness. Normal life, meditation partners will also trigger you in old pain and fixed conditioning that limit your energy flow. Growing in love and consciousness will help you to heal the wounds from your (childhood) past, making you even more energetic because frozen energy in your body is released.

Read and practice more in couples meditation

Step 8 enjoy the journey

Most people start with tantra for fun. Just to have a good time/weekend/week. After some time you either get hooked or you don’t. If so tantra will more and more grow in your life. Tantra will become a lifestyle. Love and consciousness will be more and more incorporated in your thoughts, feelings, actions, your being. And yes, even white tantra will affect your sex life. Just sex will be no more, you will learn the art of Lovemaking (Tantric sex).


Tantra goes beyond duality. Right and wrong, darkness and light, they are all flavors of the same reality. The ultimate goal of tantra is to be one with the universe. To grow and grow and grow. You will be centered into your being, the love that you are. You will be a loving presence. Even the duality of male and female will cease to exist. Couples meditation will eventually unfold the Mysteracle (Mystery + Miracle) of Maithuna. The sacred union of the feminine and masculine.

Read more

Key article Tantra explained
Couples meditations for beginners
Tantra sex for beginners
The power of breathing

Try one of our e-Courses

e-Course Re-discover your sexuality

e-Course Tantric sex explained

e-Course Deepening your Relationship

e-Course Intimacy starts with YOU !

Living with an Open Heart

Introduction Course a Taste of Tantra

e-Course How to become Multi-orgasmic (M) – Start today!

Tantra for beginners, powered by Satori & Solana

Tantra for beginners: 8 easy steps to learn tantra meditation

Hi, my name is Satori. You could say that I am enjoying life very much. Always looking at the bright side. My passion and lifestyle is tantra. Tantra is in my life for more than 20 years now. My wife and I fully enjoy it. We gave tantric workshops for many years. Now retired, but we have online tantra websites (ENG/NL). See or .NL

One thought on “Tantra for beginners: 8 easy steps to learn tantra meditation

  • blank
    9 August 2019 at 02:54

    bookmarked!!, I really like your website.


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